Lamb of God 是一首讚美敬拜上帝的歌
Lamb of God -Tenth Avenue North【Lyrics】(中文翻譯歌詞-Tenth Avenue North- Lamb Of God)
King of all the earth and every age 所有世上萬物與萬代之王
All creation waits for You 所有創造之物盼候著祢
And trembles at Your name 並因祢的名而畏懼
Surrounded on a throne of endless praise 無盡的尊崇環繞著王權
Fire and lightning flash from the glory of Your face 從祢的面貌的榮光閃耀著火燄與光芒
And I sing to You 而我歌唱頌讚著祢
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
How do I dare approach this Holy One 我怎麼如此膽敢接近聖潔的這一位
The One who was and is, was and is to come 這位曾經直到現在,曾經,現在與未來的主
Robed in righteousness and mystery 長袍之下充滿著正直且不可思議
We have only just begun, just begun to see 我們才只是剛開始,只是剛開始看見而已
So I come broken through the blood of Your Son 所以我失喪而來 透過祢愛子耶穌的寶血
and I kneel before You 而我在祢面前屈膝跪下
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是羔羊的神
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
Blessing and honor and glory and power 祝福,尊敬,光榮與力量
To Him who sits on the throne 都屬坐在王位上的祂
Blessing and honor and glory and power祝福,尊敬,光榮與力量
Forever to our God alone 永遠屬乎我們獨一無二的神
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
Oh, You are Holy 噢,祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
You are Holy 祢是聖潔的
You are worthy 祢是尊貴的
You are Holy祢是聖潔的
You’re the lamb of God 祢是神的羔羊
You are Holy, Lord 祢是聖潔的,神
Holy, God, You’re Holy, Lord 聖潔的上帝,祢是聖潔的,神
You are Holy, Lord祢是聖潔的,神