Time After Time ,非常好聽的一首歌
個人還是特別喜歡Alex Goot的版本
一直想把picture 譯為照相

Time After Time-Cyndi Lauper (Alex Goot cover)【Lyrics】(中文翻譯歌詞- Time After Time)

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick 躺在床上 我聽著時鐘的滴答聲
And think of you 想起了你 
Caught up in circles confusion 對陷在混亂狀態之中的感覺
Is nothing new 已習以為常
Flashback, warm nights  倒帶(回想起) 那些溫暖的夜裡
Almost left behind 差不多都快要遺忘了
Suitcases of memories, 充滿回憶的收藏箱裡
Time after 我回憶起那段時日……

Sometimes you picture me  有時你為我畫著圖
I'm walking too far ahead 我在前頭走得太快
You're calling to me,  你叫著我
I can't hear what you've said  我卻聽不見你在說什麼
Then you say, go slow  而後你說 走慢些
I fall behind  我落在後頭了
The second hand unwinds 時間(彷彿)倒轉了回去

If you're lost you can look 若你迷失了 可以環顧周遭
and you will find me 然後你會找著我
Time after time 一次又一次地(找著我)
If you fall I will catch you  若你跌落了 我會抓住你
I'll be waiting 我會一直等著
Time after time 一次又一次地(等著)

If you're lost you can look 若你迷失了 可以環顧周遭
and you will find me 然後你會找著我
Time after time 一次又一次地(找著我)
If you fall I will catch you  若你跌落了 我會抓住你
I'll be waiting 我會一直等著
Time after time 一次又一次地(等著)

After my picture fades 當我的畫漸漸褪色
And darkness has Turned to gray 而暗沉的天際轉為灰白色後
Watching through windows  我透視著窗外
you're wondering If I'm OK 你好奇我是否安好
Secrets stolen from deep inside 秘密從內心深處被偷走了
The drum beats out of time  鼓拍已失了節奏

If you're lost you can look 若你迷失了 可以環顧周遭
and you will find me 然後你會找著我
Time after time 一次又一次地(找著我)
If you fall I will catch you - 若你跌落了 我會抓住你
I'll be waiting 我會一直等著
Time after time 一次又一次地(等著)

You said go slow 你說 走慢些
I fall behind 我落在後頭了
The second hand unwinds 時間(彷彿)倒轉了回去

If you're lost you can look 若你迷失了 可以環顧周遭
and you will find me 然後你會找著我
Time after time 一次又一次地(找著我)
If you fall I will catch you 若你跌落了 我會抓住你
I'll be waiting 我會一直等著
Time after time 一次又一次地(等著)

If you're lost you can look 若你迷失了 可以環顧周遭
and you will find me 然後你會找著我
Time after time 一次又一次地(找著我)
If you fall I will catch you  若你跌落了 我會抓住你
I'll be waiting 我會一直等著
Time after time 一次又一次地(等著)

Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地
Time after time一次又一次地…….

nothing new 也不新奇了,潤飾為習以為常
second hand 秒針,潤飾為時間





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