Tenth Avenue North-Empty My Hands



Empty My Hands-Tenth Avenue North【Lyrics】(中文翻譯歌詞-Tenth Avenue North- Empty My Hands)

I've got voices in my head and they are so strong 我的腦海中響起聲音,它們是如此強烈
And I'm getting sick of this, oh Lord 而我對於這感覺是如此厭倦,噢,主阿
How long will I be haunted by the fear that I believe 我要庸人自擾到幾時呢1
My hands like locks on cages of these dreams 我的雙手像被這些美夢的牢籠銬鎖著
I can't set free 我無法獲得自由

But if I let these dreams die 若我讓這些美夢破滅
If I lay down all my wounded pride 若我放下了 所有我那傷人的自尊
If I let these dreams die 若我讓這些美夢破滅
Will I find that letting go lets me come alive 我能否感覺到 放手釋懷讓我甦醒過來

So empty my hands 那麼 使我一無所有2
Fill up my heart  充足我的心靈
Capture my mind with You 佔領我的心 與祢相隨
Oh empty my hands 噢 使我一無所有
Fill up my heart 填足我的心靈
Capture my mind with You 佔領我的心 與祢相隨
With You, with You Lord 與祢相隨,與祢相隨,主

These voices in speak instead and what's right is wrong 這些聲音傳遞著 把對的事物用錯的來替代
And I'm giving into them, please Lord, 而我身陷其中,拜託阿 主
How long will I be held captive by the lies that I believe 我要自欺欺人到什麼時候呢3
My heart's in constant chaos 我的心一直陷於混亂中
And it keeps me so deceived 而它使我如此地愚昧蒙蔽

But if I let these dreams die 若我讓這些美夢破滅
If I could just lay down my dark desire 若我試著把我深沉的渴望擱下
If I let these dreams die 若我讓這些美夢破滅
Will I find you brought me back to life 我能否覺察到 祢把我帶回現實生活

So empty my hands 那麼 使我一無所有
Fill up my heart  填滿我心
Capture my mind with You 佔領我的心 與祢相隨
Oh Lord, empty my hands 噢,主阿,使我一無所有
Fill up my heart 填滿我心
Capture my mind with You 佔領我的心 與祢相隨

Cause my mind is like a building burning down 我的心像座燃燒毀壞的房
I need Your grace to keep me, 我需要祢的恩典來保守我
keep me from the ground 保守我遠離落敗之地
And my heart is just a prisoner of war 而我的心是爭戰中被擄的囚犯
A slave to what it wants and to what I'm fighting for

So won't you empty my hands 那麼 你難道不叫我一無所有嗎
Fill up my heart 填滿我的心靈
Capture my mind with You 佔領我的心 與祢相隨
Oh empty my hands 噢 使我一無所有
Fill up my heart 填滿我的心靈
Capture my mind with You 佔領我的心 與祢相隨

With You, with You 與祢相隨,與祢相隨
I need You, I need you my Lord 我需要祢,我需要祢,我的主
With You, with You 與祢相隨,與祢相隨
I need you now Lord 現在我需要祢,主阿

1. How long will I be haunted by the fear that I believe
2. empty my hand-使我雙手淨空,潤飾為身無所有
3. How long will I be held captive by the lies that I believe


    創作者 Yuyun 的頭像

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