【Lyrics】Colton Dixon - The Shape Of Your Love (中文歌詞-柯頓迪森-祢愛的模樣)





【Lyrics】Colton Dixon - The Shape Of Your Love (中文歌詞-柯頓迪森-祢愛的模樣)

When I feel out of place 當我感覺不對勁的時候
Not quite real out in space 彷彿在太空中 說不上踏實的感受
Can't fit in on my own 無法適應這樣的自己
My own skin isn't home 我的魂好像不在體內

Then I find out I've strained too hard 然後發現 我已勉強得太辛苦
Need a place to put my heart 需要一個地方 把心交付

The shape of your love is in the grace I'm giving 我在恩典中獲得祢那愛的模樣
Always enough to fill the void inside 總是足以填補內心的空虛
I wanna grow into the shape of your love 我想要成長為祢愛的模樣

Out of touch, gone too far 脫離現實,超乎預料
Need a light, just a spark 需要一點亮光,哪怕是一點點火花也好
Reignite, heal my scars 重新點亮它,療癒我的傷
I wanna be where you are 我想要跟隨著祢

Then I find out I've strained too hard 然後發現我已勉強得太辛苦
Need a place to put my heart 需要一個地方 把心交付

The shape of your love is in the grace I'm giving 我在恩典中獲得祢那愛的模樣
Always enough to fill the void inside 總是足以填補內心的空虛
I wanna grow into the shape of your love 我想要成長為祢愛的模樣

The shape of your love is in the grace I'm giving 我在恩典中獲得祢那愛的模樣
Always enough to fill the void inside 總是足以填補內心的空虛
I wanna grow into the shape of your love 我想要成長為祢愛的模樣

Your love [Repeated] 祢的愛

The shape of your love is in the grace I'm giving 我在恩典中獲得祢那愛的模樣
Always enough to fill the void inside 總是足以填補內心的空虛
I wanna grow into the shape of your love 我想要成長為祢愛的模樣

The shape of your love is in the grace I'm giving 我在恩典中獲得祢那愛的模樣
Always enough to fill the void inside 總是足以填補內心的空虛
I wanna grow into the shape of your love 我想要成長為祢愛的模樣

Your love 祢的愛




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